Philonous: I allus thought NIKONOS ISLAND was spooky. They got that legend 'bout the lighthouse guidin' ghosts an' all. You should go there with the thingamabob and take a look at a STONE CIRCLE an' the LIGHTHOUSE. While you're there, try ta find the GIGA-KNIGHT, too. Show 'em to the ALIEN an' I'll pay ya 1775 GEMS and 3 COINS.
VISITOR ISLAND: Go to the LIGHTHOUSE, 1 STONE CIRCLE and inside the GIGA-KNIGHT'S CAVE on NIKONOS ISLAND. Show the pictures to the ALIEN EDGAR, then talk to PHILONOUS.
Philonous: On NIKONOS ISLAND, take that thingamabob to a STONE CIRCLE an' the LIGHTHOUSE. Try ta get a pitcher of the GIGA-KNIGHT, too. Show 'em to the ALIEN an' I'll pay 1775 GEMS and 3 COINS.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Stone Circle
Stone Circle
Stone Circle
Lighthouse on Nikonos Island: I hope this will be a good picture of the lighthouse.
The Giga-Knight: I've got the picture. Time to move!
Maximum number of loops have been performed
Quest Completion Dialogue
Philonous: Thanks fer helpin' me out! I hope the alien's feelin' better now. Say, I think I saw 'im tryin' to wave you down. Might wanna go see what he wants.