Edgar: Ixlp also said it would be important to take samples of this water you have here. One moment. I will modify that AI you have. Or 'thingamabob,' as you call it. There. Just take it to 2 WATERFALLS to collect the water samples. I will pay 1675 GEMS and 3 COINS on your return.
VISITOR ISLAND: Take the thingamabob to the 2 WATERFALLS in SUMMERTIDE SAGA. Return to the ALIEN EDGAR.
Edgar: There are 2 WATERFALLS in these islands. Take that AI unit to both of them and I will pay 1675 GEMS and 3 COINS.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Ancient Forest Waterfall: There! I've got one of the water samples.
Cannon Island Waterfall: The alien wanted this water sample.:
Quest Completion Dialogue
Edgar: Thank you for collecting these water samples. I wish I could remember the other things Ixlp wanted to do. I find I am feeling... not-happy. Please excuse me. Oh, and I believe that OLD HUMAN near the ship has been trying to get your attention.