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MilMo Wiki

Zigzag Rug is a Furniture of type Rugs that can be placed inside your Home in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Zigzag Rug can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
1900 1520 342

In other languages

Language Name
English English Zigzag Rug
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Tapete ZigZag
Spanish Spanish (LA) Alfombra de ZigZag
French French Zigzag Rug
German German Zigzag Rug
Polish Polish Dywan Zygzak
Romanian Romanian Covor Zigzag
Swedish Swedish Zigzag Rug
 • Geometry Rug Geometry Rug  • Striped Rug Striped Rug  • Circle Rug Circle Rug  • Skull Rug Skull Rug  • Leopard Rug Leopard Rug  • Dotty Rug Dotty Rug  • Floral Rug Floral Rug  • Zigzag Rug Zigzag Rug  • Zebra Rug Zebra Rug  • Beautiful Rug Beautiful Rug  • Modest Rug Modest Rug  • Star Rug Star Rug